Sanima Steel Buildings

Explore our versatile solutions that redefine construction excellence and elevate your projects to new heights of strength and sophistication.

Our Specialties

We are specialized in delivering quality customized construction projects together with the in-house facility to manufacture Zinc-Aluminum roofing products. Our areas
of specialty spans


Design of steel buildings

Unlocking architectural possibilities, our adept design team envisions innovative steel buildings tailored to your needs, blending form and function seamlessly.


Fabrication of steel buildings

Mastering the art of creation, our skilled fabrication process meticulously transforms raw steel into precision-engineered buildings, ensuring quality and reliability.


Corrosion protection of steel buildings (Sand blasting, Painting)

Preserving longevity, our corrosion protection measures, including sand blasting and painting, shield steel buildings from the elements, ensuring lasting strength and aesthetics.


Erection of steel buildings

Seamless construction with our expert team as we oversee the precise erection of steel buildings, ensuring structural integrity and efficiency in every project.


Construction of service roads

Crafting efficient pathways, we specialize in the construction of service roads that seamlessly integrate into the surroundings, enhancing accessibility and functionality.



Building foundations that stand strong, our expertise in piling ensures stable and secure structures, even in challenging soil conditions.


Concreting and masonry works including finishing

From foundation to final touches, our comprehensive concreting and masonry services guarantee impeccable finishing, transforming raw materials into polished structures.

Steel Buildings

Sanima has exemplified excellence in diverse steel building projects

Discover Our Completed Steel Building Projects

Our Working Process










Corrosion Protection



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John Allison
CEO of Manufacture Company
Erat elit et, amet eget morbi enim, potenti urna, blandit tincidunt faucibus eu diam tincidunt interdum pharetra et diam viverra lacinia integer quam iaculis facilisis viverra quam leo proin semper aenean morbi fames integer vitae ipsum.
Alicia Potter
Graphic Designer
Neque amet at sit elementum et proin lacus vestibulum amet bibendum purus dolor turpis platea sodales senectus purus donec elit molestie scelerisque amet nullam tincidunt arcu odio enim ut nunc vel, tristique dictumst adipiscing elit ultrices.
Edward B. Suarez
Song Writer

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Rutrum ut volutpat scelerisque auctor ultrices lectus ultrices ullamcorper massa diam etiam amet a, nulla pulvinar sapien.